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Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m the creator of If there was one word to describe it? It would be: passionate about Amphibians! Whether you want to know more about amphibians or have a presentation to give at school, you’ve come to the right place.

Do Frogs Reproduce Sexually or Asexually?

So, How do Frogs Reproduce? Well, Frogs reproduce sexually. This means that they require both a male and a female to produce offspring. During the breeding season, male frogs typically call to attract females. Once a female is attracted, the male fertilizes the eggs externally as the female lays them in water. This process is …

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What Eats Tadpoles? 15 Tadpole Predators

Each year, as temperatures warm, ponds and wetlands come alive with masses of tadpoles hatched from gelatinous globs of eggs laid by various amphibian species. Male and female adult frogs and toads must migrate each springtime from woodlands and fields toward specific aquatic sites to mate and spawn. Following external fertilization, each adult female produces …

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Can it Rain Frogs, Fish and Objects? Truth Revealed

So, Can it Really Rain Frogs and Toads?Well, it can’t “rain” frogs or fish in the same way that it rains normal water—no one has ever encountered frogs or fish vaporize into the air before a rainfall and fall when it condenses. However, strong winds, such as those found in tornadoes or hurricanes, are powerful …

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9 Reasons Why Axolotl Lay Upside Down and Solutions

Understanding why axolotls might be lying or swimming upside down is essential for maintaining their health and ensuring they thrive in their aquatic environment. This detailed guide explores the various causes of such behavior, from swim bladder issues to environmental stressors, and provides solutions to address and prevent these problems. An axolotl swimming or lying …

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How To Overcome My Fear Of Frogs, Toads and Amphibians?

Overcoming Ranidaphobia and Batrachophobia: Conquering Amphibian Fear Phobias, those intense and irrational fears, have the power to significantly impact an individual’s life. While some fears may be common and manageable, others are deeply specific and can feel overwhelming. In this article, we explore two related phobias—ranidaphobia and batrachophobia—both of which center around an intense fear …

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Why Did a Frog Pee on You? Frog Urogenital System

Frogs have long captured the human imagination with their remarkable behaviors and adaptations. While their jumping abilities and unique vocalizations often steal the spotlight, there’s another peculiar aspect of frog behavior that has left many people perplexed: the frog’s tendency to pee when handled or stressed. If a frog pees on you, it is indicating …

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