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Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m the creator of If there was one word to describe it? It would be: passionate about Amphibians! Whether you want to know more about amphibians or have a presentation to give at school, you’ve come to the right place.

How Do I Give My Axolotl A Salt Bath?

Axolotls are fascinating aquatic creatures and one of the popular pets nowadays. These aquatic beings require specific care and maintenance in order to stay safe and healthy. Though keeping Axolotls is easy and hassle-free, sometime the animal may suffer from some issues. It isn’t uncommon for Axolotls to suffer from a fungal infection. Has your …

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Axolotl Poop Facts – A Complete Guide 101

Axolotls are known for their ability to regrow their limbs and organs, and that’s something people fascinate the most with. But do you want to know what captivates curious minds even more? Some of you may find it slightly weird to believe, but Axolotl Poop is a very interesting topic amongst pet enthusiasts.  Axolotls are …

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Does Salt Kill Frogs And Toads Instantly?

A question that has been repeatedly asked, “Does salt kill frogs and toads instantly?” is still going around the internet. And even after so many years, it has puzzled a lot of people. But, Whether or not Salt kills frogs, toads, or other amphibians instantly is a great topic with many misconceptions.  The answer to …

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Is My Gecko Going Or Gone Blind? 10 Ways To Tell

It can be difficult to determine if a gecko is going or gone blind, but here are 10 signs to look out for: If you suspect that your gecko may be going or gone blind, it is important to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles to determine the cause and develop an appropriate …

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7 Reasons: Why Bearded Dragons Bulge Their Eyes?

Bearded dragons have a few charming behaviours and one of the most unusual of those behaviours is when they bulge out their eyes. If you spot your bearded dragons bulging out their eyes, it is able to leave you scratching your head because it regularly seems to be for no obvious reason. They come from …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Frogs Or Toads?

Yes, bearded dragons are able to consume frogs. However, they SHOULD NOT consume any sort of frog. In fact, they must not consume any amphibians.  It is a delusion that bearded dragons who do not get sufficient protein in their normal feedings will continue to exist by consuming frogs and different reptiles. Furthermore, the ingestion …

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